We Wholeheartedly Believe

You Shouldn’t Leave Money on the Table When You Don't Have To.


our advantage

Our seller had a seemingly attractive offer. After contacting the lender, we discovered that the pre-approval they provided was insufficient. Rather than accepting a weak contract, our seller opted to keep the property on the market & secured a stronger offer. We utilized the first offer to increase the second offer’s price, ensuring a smoother journey to the closing. Assessing the financial capability of the buyer is paramount. By avoiding prematurely taking the home off the market and later discovering the buyer lacked the necessary funds, we prioritize thorough vetting of every potential buyer. This process ensures their qualifications, providing you with valuable insight and confidence.
By determining the buyer’s motivation and knowing our strengths within the current market, we were able to break a historic record in downtown West Palm Beaches “The Square” We’ve broken several neighborhood pricing records. List price is a strategy. We start by pinpointing home value utilizing our comparative market analysis to do so. We avoid overpricing and underpricing by certain margins to maximize profits.
Our client wanted to sell without having their next home secured. What did we do? We arranged a post-occupancy closing, ensuring a smooth transition for them. We offer various negotiation options tailored to your needs, whether it's a quick sale, post-closing occupancy, or shortened loan approval and inspection periods. We focus on terms that align with your goals to facilitate a favorable sale for you.

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What Is My Home Worth?


Almost There! You’re 1 Step Away




Leading with care and thorough insight, we are here to guide you through the sale of your home utilizing contracts, forms and riders created by Florida Bar.


Have more questions? Let us know!

We will take photos on a Monday or Tuesday, go live on a Thursday and schedule an open house for Saturday. Thursdays are the best day to go live!

Yes, this is a great question. Please CLICK HERE or your checklist!

Our transaction coordinator will keep you in compliance as you complete the following:

Disclosures: Sellers must disclose any known defects or issues with the property that could affect its value or safety. This includes disclosing past repairs, renovations, or damage, as well as any environmental hazards such as lead-based paint or asbestos.

Contracts and Agreements: Sellers will work us to ensure that all contracts and agreements are legally binding and enforceable. This includes the purchase agreement, listing agreement, and any other documents related to the sale of the property.

Title and Ownership: Sellers must ensure that they have legal title to the property and have the right to sell it. This may involve resolving any title issues, liens, or encumbrances on the property before completing the sale.

Closing Procedures: Sellers must follow all legal requirements and procedures during the closing process, including signing necessary documents, transferring ownership of the property, and disbursing funds to the appropriate parties.

Tax Obligations: Sellers should be aware of their tax obligations related to the sale of the property, including capital gains taxes, property transfer taxes, and any other applicable taxes. Consulting with a tax professional can help sellers understand their tax liabilities and minimize their tax burden.

Local Regulations: Sellers should familiarize themselves with local regulations and zoning laws that may affect the sale of their property. This includes any restrictions on property use, building codes, or permit requirements.


In the current market (2024), if a home is listed at market value, data shows it takes approx 1-3 months to sell. If you list well above market value, the home will take longer to sell until list price is brought to more appropriate market value. If you list below market value, this often draws in more buyers potentially creating bidding wars to land you at market value and a quick sale. 




You set a record high in our neighborhood representing our sale.


You saved me $150,000 off the list price. I’m so grateful!
John & Natalia

John & Natalia

You helped us secure the home we wanted. We are so thankful.
George & Janelle

George & Janelle

We felt like you truly cared about us. We had the best experience.
Alana & Max

Alana & Max

You went above and beyond and you were always available.

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Experience distinguished service prioritizing your best interests and thoughtful strategy to give you the leading edge in today's market.